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  • GeoNet Aotearoa/New Zealand automatically collected volcano data are archived and publicly available. The dataset is generated by GeoNet's Low Rate Data Collection Platform (LRDCP), consisting of a range of environmental sensors connected to an industry standard data logger. The interval between observations in the dataset is normally 10 minutes. The dataset includes the following observations: Temperature of volcanic features (e.g. fumaroles and springs) Water level of volcanic lakes and springs Complimentary air temperature and rainfall Chemical composition of volcanic gases (in development) The dataset can be accessed through the Tilde API (, producing data in ASCII or JSON format. There is also a data visualization tool available here: Instrument and site information are held in the GeoNet public metadata repository ( This dataset is funded through DOI: Cite as: GNS Science. (2018). GeoNet Aotearoa New Zealand automatically collected volcano data [Data set]. GNS Science. doi:10.21420/EN0F-XY29.